среда, 1 октября 2014 г.

Titanium Media Sync apk free download

Titanium Media Sync


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This unique app allows you to sync a set of folders from your Android device to the cloud and back. It currently supports the Dropbox storage service, as well as your own FTP, SFTP, FTPS servers. The official Dropbox app is *not* needed.

Innovative "setup & forget" sync engine with these features:

• Battery friendly.

• Works on ALL Android devices.

• Will NOT slow down your device when no data changes.

• Will backup your new/modified files (eg: photos, videos) in the background, as soon as possible.

• Adapts to ever-changing connectivity and power conditions.

• Powerful filtering features (by file type, size, etc).

Supports 2 different sync modes (both are one-way):

• Continuous sync from Local to Remote.

• One-shot sync from Remote to Local.

Compatible with all Android versions (1.5 and up).


• Dropbox restricts uploads to 300MB per file: http://ift.tt/1dKzX9e

For more information please see the website below.

Thank you !

Download .apk

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