понедельник, 6 октября 2014 г.

free Pushy v2 Icon Pack torrent download

Pushy v2 Icon Pack


Download .apk


- Apex

- Nova


- Holo


- Supports icon mask. What does that mean? Your icons will be infinitely themed!

- Around 150 icons to chose from in icon picker.

- Works on Jelly Bean devices too.

- 2 Wallpapers. (Email for Wallpapers if you use Nova Launcher)


- Apex Launcher: Go to Apex settings > Theme settings

- Nova Launcher: Go to Nova Settings > Look and feel > Icon Theme

- ADW Launcher: On the home screen, press MENU > More > ADWSettings > Themes Preferences > Select your theme

- Holo Launcher: On the home screen, press MENU > Launcher Settings > Appearance Settings > Icon Pack > Select the Theme

If you have any questions/comments or any requests at all simply email me at maison1020@gmail.com and I promise your questions will be answered and requests will be filled. Remember that not everyone uses the same apps, so if you download this and not all of your icons are themed they can be if you simply email me. I fill requests quickly

Download .apk

The last time we heard about Men in Black 3, it was one of two possible projects that could be Will Smith's next film. Although we do not yet know whether MiB3 will definitely be his next project, caught Showbiz411 with franchise director Barry Sonnenfeld, who told them, Spider - already signed, and somewhat surprisingly, Tommy Lee Jones may be for the sequel, which may be as a expected with every upcoming blockbuster which will be in 3D. More than likely, it will MiB3, the precedence is as Sony recently lost Spider - M4n like their big Memorial Day 2011 film, and the threequel would be a good fit download Pushy v2 Icon Pack 1.1 for free .

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