пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

download Words for Kids for free

Words for Kids


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TiichMe Words For Kids uses the Dolch sight words to help kids learn their reading and writing words. Your children will learn the most commonly used words for kindergarten through third grade, and are used in elementary schools across the US. We have combined a fun and interactive game with the audio and visual of each word for an engaging and educational experience that helps your child retain what they've learned.


» Sight words from Kindergarten through third grade

» Ability to create custom word lists (Spelling lists!)

» Progress report that shows you how your child is doing

» List of problem words to help you see where your child needs help

With TiichMe Words you can use the reading words from all of the grades to build your own spelling lists (This is perfect for your child's weekly spelling and reading lists!), or allow your child to learn at the level they feel most comfortable at. Your kids will love learning their words!

Just so you know, I'm just one father writing these games, all purchases go right back into funding additional games, and updates, so if you or your kids enjoy the game, show some love. :-)

Check out the Progress Report to keep track of words your child may be having problems with, and use those words to build a practice list to help with just the ones your child may be struggling with.


SAMSUNG PHONE USERS: If you are have force closes, please let me know, the most recent version SHOULD fix these issues, but since I do not have every Samsung phone in my possession, I am unable to test them all. Please let me know instead of giving me a poor rating. I will do everything I can to resolve the issue if you let me know about it! Thanks.


This is our first app on the Android Market, any and all feedback is very much appreciated!

Find us on Twitter at http://ift.tt/1zuPJO4

Or on Facebook at http://ift.tt/1sJ0ibF

keywords: Child, Children, Kids, Educational, Preschool, Games, Kindergarten, Elementary, Words, Reading, Spelling, Spelling lists, Dolch, Sight words, Cognitive skills

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