пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

download Anti Text Flooder Pro apk free

Anti Text Flooder Pro


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Anti Text Flooder is a clean easy way to protect yourself from being spammed with multiple texts.

This app will defend against any app that is used to send multiple text of the same message including:

Text Flooder

SMS Bomber


Spam SMS

-No ads!

-Just start the app and tap the "Start" button! That's all! :)

-The application will determine if anyone is trying to send you the same text multiple times. If it sees that this is happening, it will simply delete the duplicate texts.

-The app will also start automatically upon turning your phone on automatically and run in the background!

Implemented Features:

- Auto Response

Choose to automatically respond with a predefined message


Automatically respond with the message received!

- Blacklist

Add contacts to the blacklist if you wish to block all incoming texts from them!

-Exception List

Add contacts to the exception list if you wish to never block incoming texts from them!

-Choose how many times a message should be received before it is considered spam.

-Notifications and Notification Settings

You may choose when to be notified!


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What that tells me, Paramount is doing no faith in the film enough business at the box office, with no inflation of 3D ticket prices Honestly I. Think that's a shitty move around as any marketing for the film now for the rest of for the rest of the year are the fans go sour, and it just does not worth saw a 3D conversion. An exec an exec also said: Jim Cameron did everything Titanic S 3D in post look and how good this movie turned out you do not seem to realize that Titanic a Best Picture was the winner, and the highest grossing film ever since download Anti Text Flooder Pro apk . Years.

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