Atlantis 3D Pro Live Wallpaper
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From reviews:
"...Amazing! I agree that this is the best underwater lwp on google play. Very creative and futuristic..."
"...This is one of the best underwater live wallpapers I've seen! ..."
"...Best underwater one I've seen!!.."
The most convincing underwater 3D live wallpaper on Google Play for your phone or tablet! Take a tour to legendary Atlantis with this photo realistic wallpaper! Fully 3d colorful and living environment, many species of fish, vegetation, mystery of ancient architecture and realistically animated divers, what going to discover Atlantis, make this live wallpaper extremely detailed and visually amazing.
Cinematic camera along with standard one will let to reveal the whole 3d effect of this underwater ocean scenery!
Also some settings for customization available.
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Atlantis 3D Pro made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized to consume low resources and also not to drain your battery.
Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper → Atlantis 3d Pro
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On some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, just give it half minute.
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